السنة الدولية للصحة النباتية 2020

السنة الدولية للصحة النباتية 2020

أعلنت الأمم المتحدة عام 2020 بوصفه السنة الدولية للصحة النباتية(IYPH). ويعد هذا العام فرصة العمر لزيادة الوعي العالمي حول الكيفية التي يمكن لحماية صحة النبات أن تساعد بها في القضاء على الجوع، والحد من الفقر، وحماية البيئة، وتعزيز التنمية الإقتصادية.وفي ما يلي مجموعة من الروابط حول خهذا الموضوع على صفحة منظمة الاغذية والزراعة للامم المتحدة FAO.

All IYPH graphic files and the logo in various languages are available at the following link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/rjg4acr08ipwddm/AADclLkWYLX14-YxfUcvC6Hxa?dl=0
Please note that the IYPH visual identity is available to use freely, without the need for prior authorization, provided that certain requirements are met in accordance with the FAO guidelines: http://www.fao.org/3/ca5418en/CA5418EN.pdf. A summary of the guidelines can be found below. You may download the necessary graphic files at this location: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/kkce5o4z3fpvpwd/AADYFfwFqQnPJhx8pnqJN5oSa/5. Visual Identity?dl=0&subfolder_nav_tracking=1 
Here is a general summary of the guidelines for the use of the IYPH visual identity:
  • the IYPH visual identity may not be used for commercial and/or fundraising purposes;
  • the IYPH visual identity must appear alone and not next to any other logo to avoid suggesting any form of established partnership (which we are happy to discuss, should you be interested);
  • the FAO and/or IPPC logos are not available to use: it is possible to use the three logos only by submitting an official request, which will be evaluated and answered; and
  • the IYPH visual identity should not appear next to any partner’s logos, especially in case of donors; should it be difficult, the absence of any kind of partnership or relationship between the IYPH and any third part logo that may be present on your website and communication material must be made abundantly clear and explicit.
You can also help to raise awareness during the IYPH 2020 by following our social media pages below and sharing posts and material such as the promotional video:


Additional material is being produced, so stay tuned!
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